Apple is a well-known company worldwide. They introduced powerful tools with an exceptional camera and other technological features. All the devices are not perfect, and the users are reporting frustrated complaints about hardware and software problems. Mobile Campus is describing here some common issues that iPhone 11 users are facing.
Activation issues:
Most iPhone 11 phones have some activation issues. If you are facing such issues follow the instructions to overcome the activation problem. The system should be toggled green, otherwise wait to be green. When green toggled, insert the sim card. If the insertion of the sim card is not working or an error message is prompted like “No SIM” or “Invalid SIM”, apple suggests some steps:
• Wireless plans should be functional.
• Software should be updated.
• Remove SIM and insert it again.
• Try any other SIM.
IPhone 11 poor cellular reception:
Some of the iPhone 11 users face reception issues. Their phone shows a low signal frequency and results in a poor connection. They are unable to make conversations on phone either calls or text messages. They were irritated with it. Although it is a very no-bearable problem, this issue is not common in all phones. The following steps can resolve the issue:
• Forced restart
• Factory reset
• Reset network settings
Instead of these, some tips also work for this reception issue, including avoid reaching the cell phone battery very low, access nearest cell tower for signal, use Wi-Fi network as an alternate, the antenna should be clear to catch signals, toggle airplane mode/restart, reset date and time.
Blacked out iPhone screen:
The hardware problem causes a black screen and it can’t be fixed so quickly. A software problem may result in freezing the screen and displaying the screen black. Your phone rings vibrate but you can’t receive the call because the screen is black and does not respond. For the fixation, you can try a hard reset of the iPhone.
Glitch screen:
This problem can be just because of any setting issue. Screen lags, slow or freeze might be due to the firmware crash or application failure. These kinds of issues can be resolved just by force restart. Display problems such as lags or glitches might occur when you are taking backup of your older data. This problem can be sorted out by resetting the phone. Another way is just to clear all the data from the phone and update the mobile software.
Freezed iPhone screen:
First of all, you have to confirm that the screen is clear and the touch is working properly. If the screen is not clear, wipe out the screen first. If it sorts out the freeze problem, fine. On the other hand, remove the glass protector and now find out the difference. Moreover, if your phone is charging, plug it out and restart it.
Restart loop:
Some users complain about the iPhone restart problem, just in a way that the restarts loop is executing. It can be due to any software issue. To resolve this issue, first of all, check the software updates and install them. There are some other tips to resolve this issue including:
• Uninstall problematic application
• Factory reset
• Hard reset
• Restore iPhone using iTunes
• Hardware problems can also be the reason, check it.
Conclusion: We shared some common issues of the iPhone 11 that users are reporting. It is possible that these issues may increase in the future. Mobile campus aims to protect the customers to be part of a scam. For further information and details, visit our other blog articles.